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Achievements & Extra Curricular


My extra curricular activities encompass leadership, public speaking, and other impactful contributions, reflecting a well-rounded commitment to technology and education.

Through my six-year journey as a dedicated rifle shooter, I have learned the art of unwavering focus and precision, where every shot demands a perfect blend of skill and composure. This journey has not only honed my marksmanship abilities but also cultivated in me qualities of patience, discipline, and a relentless pursuit of excellence, shaping me into a disciplined and determined individual both on and off the shooting range.

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Rifle Shooter

🥇 🥉 Individual Bronze and team Gold medal in 61st National School Games organized by School Gamed Federation of India 

In 2018, I earned a spot in the national team camp, a testament to my unwavering dedication and consistent performance in the sport

🥉 Broze medal in All india Inter University Shooting Championship

🥈🥉 Individual Silver and team bronze in 34th Maharashtra State Shooting Championship 2017

🥇  Team Gold in 62nd National Shooting Championship 

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Honored with Gold Medal by the ‘Savitribai Phule Pune University’ for academic excellence and significant contributions in the sports.



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Database Interaction Using Automatic Speech Recognition
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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development

IoT Based Patient Monitoring System

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

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Google Data Analytics

Microsoft AI Classroom Series

Machine Learning Specialization - Stanford University

NVIDIA - Accelerating End-to-End Data Science Workflows

EPAM - Pre Education Program (PEP-2020)

Face Detection Using AWS

AWS Technical Essentials

All-in-One Python Development Suite

Machine Learning with Python

CSS3 to Bootstrap: Beginning to Advanced

Object-Oriented Programming with Java

Front-End Web Development with React

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